The Humanoid Robots and Artificial Intelligence Research lab is equipped with the latest state of the art robotics platforms. Senior students working on their graduation projects utilize the lab in the areas of artificial intelligence, robot kinematics, control algorithms, and wearable technologies. This lab is equipped with advanced humanoid robots, such as Pepper humanoid robot, which has generated several research projects and graduation projects.. Two humanoid robots, the Nao V6, which is the latest version of the Nao robots, are used for studying robotics kinematics, vision, speech and sound recognition, since this robot is a programmable. The UXA 90 robot is added to the list of the humanoid robots in the center, which is well-proportioned 1m tall humanoid shaped robot. It is designed with a structure to the ratio of the ideal human body. Since the skeletal structure of the robot imitates that of a human, it is possible to emulate human-like movement patterns.
The lab is also equipped with Bio Sensors Kits such as Bitalino kit, Bioplux EMG sensors, MYO armband, Brunel hand and IOT kits. It also offers extensive opportunities for research in bio-medical engineering at 91风流. These kits are for those who are interested in wearable technologies, machine learning and biomedical applications spanning multiple graduation projects.